
Thursday, June 18, 2020

davaly coconut treats 

Me and my mum made some devaly treats. we did it because i read about them at school and i wanted to make them. i enjoyed mixing the ingredients. The recipe said to make a lot more but we made this much because i thought the hole thing was made for like 100 people.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

TK hippo report

TK hippo report   

I made a report on hippos. we did it because it was a reading task and to learn more about hippos. I learnt heaps more about hippos, how they live and there habitat. I enjoyed learning facts about hippos.


T.E.D Lab animation

T.E.D Lab animation

me and my friends made a T.E.D Lab animation. We made a animation of the rocket launch. I enjoyed helping my friend to make the you think we should make a 2nd  animation put your answer in the comments.


N.J.R.L rocket

  N.J.R.L rocket 

Today we finished making our rocket for N.J.R.L. i lert that some rocket designs do not work the best. i enjoyed making the rocket i got to make most of it. how high can my rock fly

Friday, June 12, 2020

N.J.R.L safed poster

N.J.R.L safed poster

This week we made the safed poster for our team in TED.lad. we did this to conform the safed rules. I enjoyed putting the pictures on the slide.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

N.J.R.L rockit

This week we made a rockit for N.J.R.L we are shooting them tomorrow. in enjoyed making and designing the rockit. how high can i shoot the rockit i will find out tomorrow.